The only way to an optimal morning routine is through astute self-awareness and experimentation, says Brad Stulberg on his blog, “The Growth Equation.”

You may have noticed that in leadership circles, morning routines are having a moment. And it’s easy to feel that if you don’t have one, you should. The research is clear. Morning routines help you activate when you’re feeling low, automate decisions and prime your mind-body system to more easily groove into the task at hand.

Although routines can be magical, there is no magic routine. What works for one person might not work for others. Different people have different chronotypes, a term which describes the natural and unique ebb and flow of energy that individuals experience over the course of 24 hours. Whether it’s a physically or cognitively demanding task, science has shown that most people tend to perform their best either in the earlier part of the day or in the later part of the day. There is no evidence that either way of being is inherently better.

There is, however, evidence that fighting against your biology is detrimental.

So how can you determine what works best for you? It’s only through astute self-awareness – not mimicking what other people do – and experimentation. The more you can match your activities to your energy levels, the better. The more you can figure out which types of environments stimulate your best work, the better.

There are, of course, certain behaviors that are close to universally effective, such as exercise and sleep. But again, there is no optimal time, place or way to engage in these behaviors.

There is also a danger in becoming overly attached to your routine. If for whatever reason you can’t stick to it – you’re traveling, your special coffee shop closes, whatever elixir you order from your favorite podcast’s advertising goes out of business – you won’t know what to do. It’s like a Zen koan: The first rule of routines is to develop one and stick with it. The second rule is to cultivate the capacity to easily release from it.