We’re all using technology to do our jobs and connect with others more than ever before, which made researchers wonder what wellness looks like in a digital world.

Is all that tech time healthy? And if not, how can you boost your digital wellness quotient? The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, offers these tips:

Productivity. Minimize distractions by turning off any non-human notifications on your phone (e.g., sports, stocks, news alerts, game prompts).

Environment. To set yourself up for success, establish some digital boundaries that work for you and clearly communicate them to family members and work contacts (e.g., specify no work communications after a certain time of day or day of the week, identify specific locations where you will not engage in work-related tasks).

Communication. Technology multiplies our possibilities for social interaction but also brings new challenges. Have you ever been “phubbed” (phone snubbed) by someone who interrupted an important conversation with you to check an incoming text? If so, brainstorm a nice way to signal how you feel about being treated that way.

Relationships. Unfollow unnecessary people or groups who are not adding meaning to your life.

Mental Health. Consider writing an intention each morning for how long you want to be online, and use your screen-time settings to hold yourself to the limit you set.

Physical Health. When sitting at your desk, pay attention to your posture, and make sure that your screen is at the same height level as your eyes to avoid squinting and hunching.

Quantified Self. The “quantified self” is a method of seeking to understand yourself through technology, using sensors like wearables (i.e., smart watches and the like) or data tracking apps that optimize health.

Digital Citizenship. Having a healthy online civic life means building competency in civil discourse, culturally sensitive communication, online etiquette and information processing. A person with a high digital citizenship orientation knows about data privacy and its implications for the individual and society, is aware of how their online communication can affect others, has tools at hand to evaluate information obtained from the internet as truthful or biased, and understands how to communicate to different audiences in a way that is sensitive to diversity and inclusion.

One of the best ways to gain awareness of your digital footprint in the world is to do a Google “selfie” to see what information about yourself is publicly available. Remove any online information that you no longer wish to share using a good resource that identifies what is listed publicly about you (such as Whitepages).